
Aine kood/Code: MTAT.05.080
Õppejõud/Lecturer: Jan Willemson
Praktikumijuhendajad/Tutors: Liina Kamm ja Meelis Kull
Maht/Credits: 4AP/6ECTS
Õppevorm/Study routine: loengud ja praktikumid/lectures and tutorials
Hindamisvorm/Course assessment: eksam/examination
Toimub/takes place in: 2007.-2008. õppeaasta sügissemestril/autumn term
Aeg ja koht/time and place: loeng/lecture R/Fri 12.15-14.00, Liivi 2-405; praktikumid/tutorials E/Mon 14.15-16.00 Liivi 2-403 (Meelis Kull) ja/and N/Thu 12.15-14.00 Liivi 2-206 (Liina Kamm)

Õppekorraldus/How it works

Hinde saamine on eelmistest aastatest jälle veidi erinev. Semestri jooksul toimub 4 kontrolltööd, igaühe eest on võimalik saada 28 punkti; kokku kogutud kuni 112st punktist saadud osa järgi kujuneb siis ka hinne (91-112 punkti "A" jne).

There will be 4 tests during the term, each worth of 28 points. The mark will be determined by the points obtained out of the theoretically possible 112 (91-112 gives "A", 81-90 gives "B", 71-80 gives "C", 61-70 gives "D", 51-60 gives "E" and 0-50 gives "F").

Exam session

During the exam session, the tests may be taken as follows:
Out of the two tries for each test, the maximal amount of points will be counted.


Here are the problems together with hints and solutions. Here are the results. The table of the results also contains the proposed mark. It is possible to discuss the mark on Thursday, January 24th at 15.15 in Liivi 2-338.

The marking scehmes were as follows.

Problems and solutions of the tests

Loengumaterjalid/Course materials

Loengus kasutame A. Buldase, P. Laua ja J. Willemsoni õpikut ning P. Laua slaide. Õpikust on olemas ka täiendatud ja parandatud versioon, aga see on alles toimetamisel ja võib veel ebatäpsusi sisaldada.

Most of the relevant material (including the proofs) is given on the slides presented during the course. The problems of the tutorials are also translated into English by Meelis Kull.